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Precision molds and processes

We independently research and develop product formulas and materials, are equipped with precision molds, and have the ability to develop materials for functional lenses. Combined with lens optical design, we have successfully developed hydrogel lenses.

Optical design and processing

We independently research and develop the optical design of contact lenses to create a comfortable, moist and clear visual experience. We provide general corrective lenses, multi-focal lenses, and other products with lenses made of different materials, and actively cultivate the core technology and capabilities of independent processing and design of related mold components.

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Precision Machining

We design and manufacture mold cores of different product specifications according to order requirements. We use contact measurement, and the accuracy of the mold core can reach 0.001mm (if ordinary factories use optical measurement, the accuracy can only reach 0.01mm) to ensure the smoothness of the trimmed edges of the lenses produced.

Lens manufacturing

Jingneng Optical produces everything from mold design and manufacturing to production and packaging in-house and does not commission other OEMs.


In sync with major international manufacturers, Polymacon and Ocufilcon D have good hydrophilicity and are comfortable to wear when stored as dry tablets. They can be hydrated and sterilized immediately after receiving the order, and are not subject to injection schedule restrictions.

Lens construction

The design of the edge of the lens is consistent with the design of the famous manufacturer J&J. There is no thick edge, which can give users the most comfortable wearing experience.

Pigment coating

Color chip products can provide a structure that completely covers the pigment. The pigment will not fall off easily and is safe.

color film
color diameter

Lenses of various sizes (DIA) are available. The distance between the outermost ring of the color area and the edge of the lens can be as close as 0.25mm, fully demonstrating the magnification effect of the lens. The lens is not affected by the color diameter and still maintains comfort (ID 6mm~ 13.7 mm ).

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